Story 1: Herbalife Journey

I've started using this product last year when an office friend introduced me to try the product. I was really worried about my health that time. I have a lot of health problems, maybe because the nature of my work and my bad eating habits. I am overweight, have headaches like almost everyday, low energy, suffer from constipation and dysmenorrhea. At first I was kind of hesitant to use the product. Later on, when one of my office friend gained result from using the product, I was surprised, so I decided to use it. The Herbalife product that I was taking that time was the Herbalife Shake. Since I was planning to lose weight and it was a meal replacement which means if you want to gain result you have to substitute one or two of your three meals with the healthy meal nutritional shake. That time, I have substitute my lunch with the nutritional shake. At the office there was a weighing scale so I make sure to measure my weight every week. After a week using the product I hav...