Wishful summer ideas

“ And I wanna be free, Wind in my hair , Salt on my skin, Sun in the air ~ free Time flies so fast and before I knew its summer already. Speaking of summer since April and May is the month of summer here in the Philippines. I was really thinking of a vacation, a trip or something to break away from all the hustle and bustle in the city life. To break the every-single-day routine. I don’t want to think about work, I just want to enjoy the summer and to have fun. I missed the beach and the cozy wind. I don’t have summer plans yet, I am not even sure if I have the budget for it. Anyway, I want to go to Dakak this April or May, it was a nice place really. I told my friends about it; how I wish they still remember that time we are talking and planning about going there this summer. I am pretty sure they are interested. They are kind of busy people also like me. My best idea of summer, if my budget permits, I would love to go into a resort, have a ...