Blog Awards and Random Questions

To my dearest friend Sheena , thank you so much for these awards. Thank you for the sweet thoughts. She told me I have to answer these questions and give out the award to 11 bloggers I know. hehe I'll try since I don't know a lot of bloggers. 1. What is your name? (Full name) Chariss Bucad . :p 2. What inspires you to blog? At first, I was inspired to blog for the sake of monetizing it. I’ve heard about Google Adsense and how it will help you to earn money online. As time goes by, I realized it’s hard to monetize a blog so I chose to make my blog more personal however I did not remove the ads on my blog :P I don’t know why I haven’t remove them. 3. What is your happiest moment in life? I have plenty and some of those I already forgot. Simple moments in life make me happy like eating ice cream, bonding with friends, reading a good book, watching a movie, watching the sunset, stars and moon. Most especially when my boyfriend is around making me smile. ...