127 Hours

I'm making a brief review of the movie 127 hours - I know, I know it's a movie again . 127 hours is directed by Danny Boyle, the director of Slumdog Millionaire! - yes he is, and guessing or I dunno if this movie will be out in the cinemas soon here in Philippines, but you can have a copy of the movie if you have time to download it. This is one of the amazing, terrifying, horrible, awful? - overstatement lang - hehe. I dunno actually I wasn't expecting that this movie is great. So funny I was moved to tears, I mean sobbing. I'm so emotional lang - haha! This movie will move you as in literally move you at your seat or worse got fainted whatsoever. What else? hmmmm..I got easily affected to being "left alone" scenes, then something worst happened and it's a matter of life and death situations - I hate it, honestly. This is just like the Cast Away movie, but terms of survival factor, the Cast Away is way more better than this one. I was blo...