Pretty Special Day!

It's my birthday! This post is a bit late. I've been kind of busy yesterday so I forgot. hehe. My tummy is unwell yesterday so I didn't eat that much. Happy to know that my one and only is there for me. I fell asleep while we're talking hihi. 

I am forever grateful to Father God for all the blessings. I just want to thank you just for loving me so much.

Happy Birthday to me! :) 



  1. weeeeeee happy birthday again chang! hhahaha PICTURES! aha na? hehe

  2. aw cute keu emong whale na header! gahhhhhhhh! with a hat!

  3. @sheena: wala ko mga pics hehe..weeeeeeeeee yah I made the header myself. muaaaah! Thanks again shenani hugs hugs :)

  4. One day late wishing you a fabulous birthday!!Much love

  5. hello sissy happy happy birthday..xensya po late ang greeting nagloloko ang internet ko maulan you sissy si quiet angel sa Tuesday hihihi..mwahhhhhhhhhhh ;)

  6. Thanks sissy muaaah! really? weeeeeeee happy to him, and wishing him all the best :)


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