Donating Blood

"A GIFT OF BLOOD IS A GIFT OF LIFE" I just had a first time moment today. Yes, I donated blood! My first time to donate. Papa told us to donate blood. He told us that he bought blood for my grand-father at Red Cross when he got sick so we have to replace the blood with ours. I don't think there's nothing wrong with that since they say donating blood is good for the health. I thought I would faint when I saw the needle during the blood letting process. I can't imagine I have a strong heart haha! Blood donation is really not for fainted heart, so assess yourself first. Anyway, it does not hurt that much. During the hemoglobin process the needle caught me off guard, it hurts for a short period. source Here are the reasons why donating blood is good for you. Blood donation is an excellent way to reduce the amount of iron accumulated in our body. While iron is, without doubt, a necessary mineral, excess iron can stimulate the formation of free radicals...