4th week: weight loss challenge

Yay! 4th week had passed and I was really anxious of my result. The thing here, I forgot to be mindful with my eating habits (i'm trying to). I was having fun chatting with a very dear friend at their house (since I have to attend a General Assembly of Ficco and she's also a member), and when we had our lunch, I forgot I shouldn't eat "lechon". Gaaaaah! It was a Sunday and I considered it to be my cheat day (eat lots of YOLO meals, hahaha!). Anyway, when I got a chance to visit the office, I hurriedly went to the Nutrition Club to check my fat % and weight. I was super relieved that I just gained .4 to my weight and .8 to my fat %, but I still have to get rid of it. Amazingly, after the 4th weigh-in last Saturday, I retained my current weight. I did not lose nor gain pounds!Yeheeeey! I have to take this mindful eating seriously, It's hard to maintain a new habit, shifting my mindset and getting out of my comfort zone. I know I can do it, but it is hard when y...