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photo from twirlingpages , check her IG now! Her shots are marvelous! I know I haven't written anything for awhile, I'm not sure why I excuse myself on writing book reviews. I had read plenty of fantastic books and haven't gotten a chance to write a review. I spent my time reading so much that I slept around 1AM-2AM, it's kinda unhealthy though. I tried to skip reading for a whole day and spent my time watching TV or napping in which I am very much successful! I tried hard not to read during bedtime but I couldn't get myself to sleep. The reason why I'm reading so much because I decided to join Reading Challenge this year. I challenged myself to read at least 25 books for 2016. Genre of the books are random, I like to read interesting and mysterious plots. Booktube bloggers help me a lot on deciding what to read. I checked book reviews on Youtube and personally I love PeruseProject reviews, she loves reading YA historical f...